for mothers2mothers
INTERLUDE(noun) | an intervening period of time; an interval; a pause between the acts of a play; a temporary amusement or diversion that contrasts with what goes before or after.
Summer always acts as a small hiatus: a gap in time, a treasured moment, a pause. For most, the summers of childhood have an enchanting element to them, they’re a time when memories are made. As adults, our idea of this season changes, but it doesn’t lose its charm — its ability to mark the passing of time with a small, brief pause. INTERLUDE is a collection about summer, and the small hiatus it gives us from the everyday, a break from the ordinary.
100% of the profits generated by the sale of these artworks support mothers2mothers. mothers2mothers is an organization dedicated to eliminating pediatric AIDS in Africa as well as educating and providing work to thousands of women affected by the virus. This NGO was part of our network before we even became an official company, and a number of our artists have worked with them for many years. Read about our history working with this community-based nonprofit, here.